Essential Linux Commands for Developers: 50 Must-Know Commands

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Linux has become an essential operating system in the world of information technology, thanks to its open-source and free nature. With its increasing popularity, it’s crucial for software developers and DevOps professionals to have a strong command over Linux commands to make their tasks easier and more efficient. In this blog post, we will discuss 50 essential Linux commands that every software developer must know.

Here are 50 Linux commands that every software developer must know.

lsView contents of directory (list)
pwd path of the current directory
cdchange directory
mkdirmake new directory
mvmove files / rename files
cpcopy files
rmremove files
touchcreate blank new file
rmdirdelete directory
catlist content of file to terminal
clearclear terminal window
echomove data into a file
lessused to read the contents of textfile
manshow manual of Linux commands
sudoenables you to perform tasks that require administrative or root permissions
toptask manager in terminal
tarused to archive multiple files into a tarball
grepused to searching words in specific files
headview first lines of any text file
tailview last lines of any text file
diffcompares the contents of two files line by line
killused for killing unresponsive program
jobsdisplay all current jobs along with their statuses
sortis a command line utility for sorting lines of text files
dfinfo about system disk
ducheck how much space a file or directory takes
zipto compress your files into a zip archive
unzipto extract the zipped files from a zip archive
ssha secure encrypted connection between two hosts over and insecure network
calshows calendar
aptcommand line tool for interaction with packaging system
aliascustom shortcuts used to represent a command
wcurrent user info
whereisused to locate the binary, source, manual page files
whatisused to get one-line man page description
useraddused to create a new user
passwdused to changing password of current user
whoamiprint current user
uptimeprint current time when machine starts
freeprint free disk space info
historyprint used commands history
unameprint detailed information about your Linux system
pingto check connectivity status to a server
chmodto change permissions of files and directories
chownto change ownership of files and directories
findusing find searches for files and directories
locateused to locate a file, just like the search command in Windows
ifconfigprint ip address stuff
ip asimilar to ifconfig but shortest print
fingergives you a short dump of info about a user

In conclusion, Linux is one of the most important operating systems ever created, and it is used in a wide range of devices, including servers, mobile phones, supercomputers, and personal machines.

As a software developer or DevOps professional, it is important to have a basic understanding of Linux commands, as they are essential for managing and deploying applications on Linux systems. The 50 Linux commands listed above are some of the most commonly used commands that every developer should know.

By mastering these commands, you can make your work on Linux machines much simpler and more efficient. Whether you are working on an on-premises server or a cloud-based machine, knowing these commands will help you manage your tasks effectively. So, start practicing these commands today and become a more proficient Linux user!

If you’re looking to learn the 20 most common Git commands, check out this blog post for a detailed guide.